El Salvadro Jalisco, Mexico

El Salvadro Jalisco, Mexico
"The beauties one needs to see!"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Teaching the minds of individuals is the goal when it comes to education. Having the proper tools available to students is paramount when trying to introduce a positive learning environment. One of the tools that can be very useful to teaching is technology. While there are always changes happening in the technology world, opportunities will increase for the learning environment. Just like anything else you introduce there will be advantages and disadvantages to technology in the education system.

One of the advantages would be quicker access to various information. Students will have the opportunity to browse the Internet, and be able to search many different sites and topics within one system rather than a stack of books with the touch of their fingers. These students would also have the ability to download detailed information such as pictures and maps that could better enhance research papers and other various projects. Also, learning to operate a system that is widely used throughout the world will prepare them for the future within their career and within life.

Disadvantages to technology must also be considered when deciding on how to educate the young minds of this world. Technology is like any other system. It has its faults and can malfunction at any time. Students need to be able to rely on their own abilities without technology if they ever run into this problem. In a teaching environment interaction between students is very important to their social skills that they will need throughout life. Technology can interfere with those social skills. You don’t want students to become so dependent on a system that they forget how to interact with the world.

As time continues, more and more technological advances will progress and enhance the abilities for those using them. We live in a world that has the resources to provide such technology at your fingertips. Taking advantage of that resource is important when we consider the minds of our youth.


  1. Hi Adriana, I'm glad you listed disadvantages on your blog, I forgot to cover that on mine and I think they are very important. I agree that students need to learn with and without the aid of technology--they need both skills to succeed. Stacie

  2. Adriana, have you heard of the studies they're conducting about adolescents losing the ability to pick up on facial and non-verbal communication? Your post reminded me of that and it seems that the advent of instant messaging and texting has really affected the interpersonal relationships of many young people who have been inundated with this technology.

  3. Adriana, you did a fantastic job on your blog! Your layout is very appealing utilizing a black background that makes all your information pop out. I especially like how you attached utube videos! Your philosophy of technology within the school environment was very well-written. I particularly found it helpful when not only talking about the technological positives to childrens' education, but also sometimes the disadvantages that technology may bring. Thanks, Adriana for sharing:)
